Saturday, December 21, 2019

How The Great Migration Impacted The Harlem Renaissance

Glastonbury High School How the Great Migration Impacted the Harlem Renaissance Faith Quinn US History Mr. Nelson 4/8/2015 Faith Quinn 1 The Harlem Renaissance was a significant social and cultural movement throughout the 1920‘s and 30‘s. It was a time when much of the history of the African American people were given a voice through the creative efforts of those who were directly involved and affected by the Great Migration. It had a great impact on what life was like for these people and their families and also impacted the society as a whole. This Great Migration began at the end of the start of World War I from 1917, however many African Americans had begun migrating even before then. After the Civil War, at the end of the 19th century when the African Americans were no longer bound to their former masters as slaves, they began to migrate. This was called Reconstruction and began in 1865. Suddenly everything that they once knew and how they lived changed. They were free now but not truly considered equal by the whites of the south. They were now forced to migrate from place to place in order to find wo rk and attempt to build a life for themselves and their families, and after World War I, they were able to migrate to the north to more urban settings to find work.# This movement was called the Great Migration and it led to and affected the Harlem Renaissance by inspiring great works of art from artists such as Langston Hughes and many othersShow MoreRelatedHarlem Renaissance : The Cultural And Artistic Explosion745 Words   |  3 Pages Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance was the name given to the social, cultural and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem during the end of World War 1. The time of the 1920’s was a time of change for everyone. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Hate Crimes toward Sexual Orientation Free Essays

string(79) " humanity still failed to grasp the concept by only reading between the lines\." We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. † – Dry. Martin Luther King Jar. We will write a custom essay sample on Hate Crimes toward Sexual Orientation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Every day, somewhere in the world, men, women and children are tortured and even killed because of their beliefs, their race, the way they look, or the way they live. And this will go on until the rest of the world stops being quiet and takes a stand against the hatred that causes these crimes. Hate crimes are well known issue in today’s society. According to Joseph Healed, â€Å"One possible explanation for at least some hate rimes is that they are fueled by perceived threats, frustration and fear, and anger and scapegoat† is one reason behind the cause (2011). All humanity possesses a voice to the injustice of violence. Inclusion of sexual orientation in the federal hate crime law was rejected by the U. S. Senate in the late asses, even while hate crimes targeting specifically gays and lesbians increased during the same period (Kamala Nolan, 1999). Sprees of violence are always directed to one another, especially towards the weak and defenseless. The racial spree killer Benjamin Smith, the ragging death of James Byrd, and the humiliating murder of Matthew Sheppard, all stand as reminders that the bigotry that kills is much more than the few unfortunate reminders of the United States history (Perry, 2001). There is a significant relationship between hate crimes and psychological impact to the victim and the victim’s community where a priority response is actually needed. The consequences caused and done by hate crimes cannot be measured solely in terms of physical injury or dollars and cents. Intimidation of other members of the victim’s community, leaving hem feeling isolated, vulnerable and unprotected by the law is effected immediately with the presence of hate crimes. By making members of minority communities fearful, angry and suspicious of other groups and of the power structure that is supposed to protect them. These incidents can damage the fabric of our society and fragment communities. There was a blob has been found where there lots of victim experienced hate crimes based on sexual orientation. One of them which attracted me the most was from James, who was gay black male (2010), he described how he as assaulted in a public place by someone that he did not even know: [l] was attacked at a bar by a complete stranger! This has been the worst chapter in my journey. As a result of the attack, my right hummers was broken at the surgical neck. The incident occurred at a bar in the city’s largest entertainment district. The district’s name is Power and Light. It is common knowledge to residents of our area, the district has experienced many problems with issues of discrimination. I work across the street from the district and never experienced any problems until this. The attack occurred inside the bar. It was after a huge football game for our local team. At a certain point, this really drunk guy starting yelling and calling me names! Not one of the bouncers or servers asked him to leave. The whole thing happened very quickly. One minute he was calling me â€Å"Fagged†, the next minute I was being â€Å"attacked†. As he tried to hit me in the face, he lost his footing and fell on top of me in the process. As a result of his weight and mine, my hummers immediately broke. I could feel the bar start, almost instantly! At that point, the wait staff helped Him up and asked him to leave. I was in so much pain at that point, and embarrassed. Not once did any of the bar personnel or district security ask me if I was okay. In that moment, all I could do was leave out of pure disbelief and shame. Once I arrived home, the pain was completely unbearable. I sent a text to one of the team member’s from the bar asking her to send emergency personnel to my home. The experience, for me, has been life-changing. I’m now unable to drive. I’m now unable to work. It even has affected my schooling. I am right-handed, and this whole situation has given me a whole new understanding of how the world can react to others. According to Barbara Perry, â€Å"Hate crime often referred to as â€Å"ethnocentric† is much more than the act of mean-spirited bigots and it is embedded in the structural and cultural context within which groups interact† (2001). The benefit of criminal offense, a violation of an existing criminal code were assumed by the term hate crime and it may be applied only where a predicate offense, or underlying crime, is committed as a result of bias or prejudiced (Healed, 2005). Such restriction may fulfill the concept within the law enforcement community, but it is not particularly satisfying from a sociological perspective. Although in National Coalition of anti-violence Programs said that documented cases of antigen violence remained relatively stable in recent years, social advocacy group estimate that countless cases of antigen intimidation, verbal harassment, and physical assault occur every day but go unreported (2005). What is perceived as hate crimes today, in another time or place, may be standard operating procedure which means hate crimes are acceptable in some countries and it is common thing to do which is believed will not give an impact in harmful way toward others. Based on what Perry said, â€Å"Oppressive violence is nested within the complex of exploitation, normalization, powerlessness, and cultural imperialism. It is the processes and imagery associated with cultural imperialism that supports these practices ideologically. Together structural exclusions and cultural imaging leave minority members vulnerable to systemic violence and especially hate crimes† (2001). Therefore, it is difficult to construct a complete definition of the term. Perspective of LIGHT-Q Great minds such as the president, humanitarians, theorists, behaviorist’s have tried o mold the concept of hate crimes and each defining it in their own term. However, humanity still failed to grasp the concept by only reading between the lines. You read "Hate Crimes toward Sexual Orientation" in category "Papers" For some Christian Right leader’s points of view, the leading causes of the destruction of American society and culture are due to the gay rights movement and its so-called homosexual agenda. In his own words, Focus on the Family Founder James Dobson says, â€Å"The battle against gay rights is essentially a second civil war to put control of the U. S. Government in the right hands, meaning those who reject gay rights† (2010). There are lots of religious leaders who are most likely misunderstand and misconstrue are often cowering behind the First Amendment or Justifying their actions by perverting Holy Scriptures. Throughout the years, religious right in America has adopted and retained variety of strategies such as defamation. Its leaders have involved in the crudest type of name-calling, claiming that homosexuality is a choice, dehumidifying or describing them by creating prominent myths and instilling fears upon others. â€Å"Myths such as gay people molest children at far higher rate than heterosexuals†, by portraying gay men as a threat to children loud be the most â€Å"efficacious weapon† for stimulating public fears about homosexuality (Escalates, E. Steinbeck, R. , 2010). According to American Psychological Association (PAP), â€Å"Homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are† (2010). Followed by a professor at the University of California, Davis, Gregory Here said, â€Å"One of the top researchers on prejudice against homosexuality, reviewed a series of studies and found no connecting evidence between gay men molesting children at higher rate than a heterosexual male† (cited in Escalates, E. Steinbeck, R, 2010). Due to instilled fears from communities of faith, it created another path for homophobia to take on such as antigen aggression. Need to understand the concept of how sexual stigma is expressed towards sexual minorities in order to extend how antigen aggression is enabled. The idea that hate crimes involve scapegoat is also supported by the spontaneous, unplanned, and highly emotional nature of this crime. It provides a Justification for expressing anger and hostility towards sexual minorities. In order to understand how sexual stigma is expressed, we need to understand owe antigen aggression is expressed. Sexual stigma refers to â€Å"the negative regard, inferior status, and relative powerlessness that society collectively accords to any non-heterosexual behavior, identity, relationship, or community’ (Here, in press; p 2). According to Parrot and Peterson, â€Å"To this day, contemporary theorist still believe that antigen aggression is motivated by the convergence of several different mechanisms, specifically three complimentary theoretical models that explain the motives for antigen aggression have garnered the most attention: sexual prejudice, ere dynamics and thrill seeking† (2008). While sexual prejudice, peer dynamics, or thrill seeking may be the sole motivating factor for a particular act of antigen aggression, it is posited that antigen aggression may also be facilitated by various combinations of these motives. Understanding LIGHT-Q (Victim) In order to create a better empathy or perspectives on hate crimes, one of the first steps is to understand them. One of the most difficult challenges of developmental milestones for gay youth is having the courage to reveal their sexual orientation to parents (Savings-Williams, 2001). The disclosure of sexual orientation by a family member clearly fits the description of a stresses because family values may be called into question, such as beliefs about sex, sexuality, and religion. A child’s coming out is a salient event that often distorts several aspects of the family system such as family values, roles, expectations and boundaries (Crosier-Burnett et all, 1996). Every parent’s dream and expectations for a son, who was expected to marry a woman, have children, and carry the family name, may be shattered. The brutality of hate crimes also has consequences for the entire gay community. It is not an exaggeration to conclude that bias-motivated attacks function as a form of terrorism, sending a message to all lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals that they are not safe if they are visible. An aggression based on sexual orientation such as physical aggression, verbal aggression, property damage, etc. , comes with a psychological impact to victims. Risks range from anxiety to depression, fear to post-traumatic stress and possibly, suicide or death (Here, Gillis, Conga, 1999). The varieties of hate crime factorization can be seen such as in gay-identified settings, public spaces, at home, in schools, in the workplace and by friends and family members. Even when one does not personally know the victim, hate crimes can threaten the illusion of invulnerability that is so important in one’s daily life Nonfat-Pullman Parker, 2012). To top it all, the existence of hate crimes might make even minor instances of harassment more frightening for the victim. Consequently, an incident that appears minor in retrospect might nevertheless have considerable psychological impact on the victim. One type of agency particularly well suited for groups of victims of hate rimes is a local human rights or human relations agency that traditionally deals with cases of inequality such as hate crimes toward sexual orientation. Some human- relations commissions have a community relations component that specializes in interrupt conflict in the community. Not-for-profit registered charity safe houses like Pink Triangle offer services such as providing peer support, educational, research and advocacy services for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, two-spirit and queer (GLOTTAL) persons in the National Capital Region (2012). Certain school systems, those seed to dealing with interrupt tension, can also provide the official context for such groups, particularly when Juveniles are involved, either as victims or perpetrators. Mental health associations or interfaith organizations often have programs designed to promote positive interrupt relations and can provide a setting for groups of hate crime victims. Documentaries such as For the Bible Tells Me So (2007) directed and produced by Daniel G. Karakas, provide the viewer or society with homosexuality and its perceived conflict with religion, as well as various interpretations of what the Bible says about name-sex sexuality. It also includes lengthy interview segments with several sets of religious parents regarding their personal experiences raising homosexual children and also interview with those children. Hate crimes on sexual orientation are crimes fueled by perceived threats, frustration and fear, and anger and scapegoat through the practices of sexual prejudice. Sexual orientation commonly conveys a wrong belief that gay people are more likely to molest children at higher rates than heterosexuals. This appears to have more serious psychological effects on gay men and lesbians, including oppression, stress, anger and even, death than do other crimes. The government should take a decisive action toward hate crimes which makes a minority group’s life worst. They are also human beings who have a right to live a normal life like any other without having any scorn from any other people surround them. How to cite Hate Crimes toward Sexual Orientation, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Nonverbal Communication and Culture

Questions: The brief should answer the following questions: 1 ) What is the audience's current knowledge, skills-base and abilities? 2 ) What does the audience want to know? 3 ) What does the facilitator know (prior to conducting research into the topic)? 4 ) What is the goals statement? 5 ) What are the learning objectives? Answers: Effective business communication: In the contemporary world, communication is the key to success for both personal as well as professional life. Communication is more than verbal and proper understanding of non-verbal communication and ability to implement gives the advantage to an individual to express and connect with others. When an individual interact with others they send and receive non-verbal signals continuously. The gesture of an individual (how they walk, listens and eye contact) gives stronger signals than verbal communication. In a common communication, the process between two individuals constitutes 93% of non-verbal communication and only 7% of verbal interaction. Business communication can simply explained as the process of sharing of information and knowledge within the organisation and stakeholders for financial profit (AlAfnan, 2014). An organization business process on mainly three modes of communication processes: written, verbal and non-verbal communications. Each process of communication has its importance and meaning in business organizations (Okoro Washington, 2012). In the highly competitive business organization, delivering right communicational process is significantly important. Therefore, it is essential to build up successful communication skills in both oral and written. In addition, it is important to maintain right body language, as physical mannerisms, postures, and facial expressions can interpret as unconsciously communicating your feelings and psychological state (Thill Bove, 2013). In business processes, an effective manager takes both verbal as well as non-verbal communication to connect and understand the need and demand of its stakeholders i.e. the investors, customers and employee workers. Effective communication involves customizing the communication so that it fulfills the interest, benefit, objectives and necessities of the audience. The audience's current knowledge, skills-base and abilities: Understanding the audience desires and expectations, and adapting the communication process for that reason, significantly increases chances of communicating effectively. Audience analysis is the process by which a communicator analyses and assesses the demand of the listeners or audience (Okoro Washington 2012). In business communication, the primary objective is to reach the stakeholders or target audience, so it is crucial to understand the process to adapt to attract them. It is significantly important to assess the current level of knowledge, skills and abilities they possess about the message topic, which will help the communicator to face challenges and hurdles in connecting with the audiences. The audience may have cultural or ethnic biases and the more the communicator understands the target audience it is better to express the content of the message and avoid challenges in communication. The audience want to know: Communication fails when the communicator misjudges the audience, for instance, presenting highly technical presentation in front of novice audience (Guang Trotter 2012). The message conveyed in the communication must connect with the audience. The audience needs to understand the purpose of the communication. Relevant data must present before the audience when the topic is new. Authentic communication happens when both mutually concur on the meaning and consequence of the message they are exchanging. There are mainly five kinds of Audience present in a business communication process: The initial Audience: These people are the first people to undergo the process of communication before presenting it to others. For instance, if a manager has asked his subordinate to prepare a presentation for next meeting then the employee will first show the presentation to the manager before presenting it in front of other of the organization (Hamilton, 2013). Gatekeeper: The gatekeepers are the middle-level managers and executive assistant who filters the messages that are circulated within the organization and they hold the authority to approve or reject certain messages. Primary Audience: The primary audiences are the primary target audience for the communication and they decide whether to accept or reject the message of the communication. For instance, a marketing manager may present a new marketing plan but it is up to the board members whether to accept it or not. Secondary Audience: The secondary audience can observe and remark on the original message or become a part of the execution method. Watchdogs: The different business regulatory organizations and authorities who have the power to stop the communication process before the message could reach its audience. Role of the facilitator: The facilitator is the main presenter or the discussion leader in the business communication process. A facilitator concentrates on both content and process of communication. Content in communication is the main subject or problem that needs to be addressed to the audience and the process is the style or method of interaction adopted to communicate. The facilitator or the communicator should have proper and relevant knowledge and facts about the communicated topic. Sharing irrelevant facts and information can lead to chaos and disagreement within groups. The effective communicator can concentrate on the benefit of stakeholders when constructing solutions (Cornelissen, 2014)). The facilitator should have the ability to answer doubts and conflicts and creating likeliness in the audience. The goals statement of effective business communication: The goal statement in a business organization is to attract and hold the attention of the audience. The facilitator should pay more attention to the communication process by understanding the environment and other factors influencing the decision of the stakeholders. The second important objective should be handling query and objections of the stakeholders. It does not matter how much prepared a communicator is about the discussed subject/plan; he has to handle objections and queries by the stakeholders (Holtzhausen Zerfass 2014). The communication process should be the stimulating conversation between the facilitator and stakeholder to complete the communication process. The sender (communicator) should get the feedback for analyzing the effectiveness of the communication process and if the required message has conveyed to the audience (Thill Bove, 2013). A one-way communication process does not solve the purpose of a business organization. An effective business communication is a lways a two-way process. The learning objectives of this study: The learning objective of this study is to understand the complexities of the business communication process. Although analyzing the concept critically, it realized that other factors need to recognize before considering business communication. When business communication uses different methods to convey the message, the methods may have the different outcome and vary from one another. Thus, it is important to understand how these methods shape business communications. The primary objective of business communication is to peruse and convince the stakeholders. A business may have many contexts, but in most of these, the aim is to use persuasion (Guffey Loewy, 2012). Reference: Guffey, M. E., Loewy, D. (2012).Essentials of business communication. Cengage Learning. Thill, J. V., Bove, C. L. (2013).Excellence in business communication. R. B. Chatterjee, K. Subramanian (Eds.). Pearson. Grunig, J. E. (2013).Excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge. Okoro, E. A., Washington, M. C. (2012). Workforce diversity and organizational communication: Analysis of human capital performance and productivity.Journal of Diversity Management (Online),7(1), 57. Bargiela-Chiappini, F., Nickerson, C., Planken, B. (2013).What is Business Discourse?(pp. 3-44). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Guang, T., Trotter, D. (2012). Key issues in cross-cultural business communication: Anthropological approaches to international business.African Journal of Business Management,6(22), 6456. Cornelissen, J. (2014).Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Holtzhausen, D., Zerfass, A. (2014).The Routledge handbook of strategic communication. Routledge. AlAfnan, M. A. (2014, April). Interethnic workplace E-mail communication: An investigation into politeness strategies. InProceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Public Management and Education Research in Tianjin, China (iceeim-14). doi(Vol. 10). Hamilton, C. (2013).Communicating for results: A guide for business and the professions. Cengage Learning.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Mercutio vs Romeo free essay sample

Love is a hard thing to define but lust is a burning desire for another person, and it usually doesn’t last a very long time. Love can transform over years and still remain consistent. Lust is superficial when only the appearance is considered but nothing else, which can be called ‘love at first sight’. Lust is only a short-term relationship, whereas love leads to a deeper understanding of the other person and one develops affection and caring for them. Mercutio’s idea of love doesn’t involve commitment, is more realistic than Romeo’s view and Mercutio doesn’t allow love to inflict any pain. Romeo’s idea of love includes commitment, and has a deeper, more passionate love and he allows himself to be vulnerable to his emotions and lets them take over. Mercutio and Romeo’s view on love are both similar in the sense that they involve desire for a girl and they are driven by their emotions. We will write a custom essay sample on Mercutio vs Romeo or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Both are fuelled by madness and this leads to them making rash decisions that result in a big loss and in Mercutio’s case, his life. Mercutio’s anger and feud with Tybalt leads him to go mad and be stabbed to death. Romeo’s anger gets the better of him which results in him stabbing Tybalt, after just having married Juliet. In the end, Romeo’s grief over Juliet’s ‘death’ overcomes his will to listen to reason and this poor decision ends up terminating his life too soon. Another similarity is that both characters are captivated by looks. They both speak of a woman’s outer appearance and have rarely talked about their personalities. When Romeo first sees Juliet, he marvels at her beauty without trying to figure out who see really was. O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night, Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear; Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear† (1. 5. L. 44-47) In Act II, Scene 2, we see Mercutio trying to lure Romeo out by describing Rosaline’s appearance, â€Å"I conjure thee by Rosaline ’s bright eyes, By her high forehead and her scarlet lip, By her fine foot, straight leg, and quivering thigh. †(2. 1. L. 17-19) In the start of the play, Romeo and Mercutio think that all there is to ‘love’ is having sex. Even the servants, Sampson and Gregory mentioned wanting to sexually harassing the maids of the Montagues. â€Å"That shows thee a weak slave; for the weakest goes to the wall. † â€Å"’Tis true; and therefore women, being the weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall: therefore I will push Montague’s men from the wall and thrust his maids to the wall. † (1. 1. L. 12-17) This proves that most men in this time thought of themselves as superiors compared to women. As the play progresses, Romeo’s view on love changes after he meets Juliet. After meeting Juliet, he falls in love with her as a whole instead of just her appearance. While there are minor similarities between Mercutio and Romeo’s view on love, the differences are pronounced and deserve thorough examination because the line between lust and love is very confusing and many people in society mix the two up. On one hand, Mercutio’s view can be described as ‘a chase for something sexual’. He never mentions settling down with a girl and having a committed relationship. Mercutio, unlike Romeo, does not believe in fate deciding his path, instead he lives in the moment. Mercutio doesn’t let love overthrow his conscience and guide his actions. Romeo says â€Å"Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like a thorn. † (1. 4. L. 25-26), to which Mercutio replies with â€Å"If love be rough with you, be rough with love; Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down. † (1. 4. L. 27-28) In those lines, he talks about how in order to defeat love and to not have it afflict with your actions is to have sex instead of loving someone and go through the pain of them not reciprocating your feelings. On the other hand, Romeo has a romanticized view which is shown by his strong reliance on fate, and the stars. In these lines, Romeo says â€Å"I am too enpierced with his shaft, To soar with his light feathers, and so bound, I cannot bound a pitch above dull woe. Under love’s heavy burden do I sink† (1. 4. L. 19-22) Romeo is being pulled down by the amount of pain from not being able to see Rosaline. At first he’s a victim of being caught up in Rosaline’s looks and mistook it as love. It wasn’t until he met Juliet that he truly discovered the true meaning. Romeo wallows in self-pity and loves by night. â€Å"I have night’s cloak to hide me from their sight; And but thou love me, let them find me here: My life were better ended by their hate, then death prorogued, wanting of thy love† (2. 2. L. 75-78) In contrast, Mercutio appears in the play mostly in the day and shows that he believes he can control his life and is more realistic than Romeo. He serves as the contrasting character to show a ifferent perspective on love from Romeo’s passionate, and emotional view on love. In culmination, Romeo’s idea of love is stimulated, loyal, and susceptible to pain. Romeo shows his vulnerability and readers and viewers of the movie have an easier time relating to his feeling for heartbreak. His loyal and never changing love for Juliet even as she was ‘dead’ made readers fall in love with his character. Although Romeo and Mercutio have different perspectives on love, they also have similarities which make them able to be such good friends. Mercutio vs Romeo free essay sample Love is a hard thing to define but lust is a burning desire for another person, and it usually doesn’t last a very long time. Love can transform over years and still remain consistent. Lust is superficial when only the appearance is considered but nothing else, which can be called ‘love at first sight’. Lust is only a short-term relationship, whereas love leads to a deeper understanding of the other person and one develops affection and caring for them. Mercutio’s idea of love doesn’t involve commitment, is more realistic than Romeo’s view and Mercutio doesn’t allow love to inflict any pain. Romeo’s idea of love includes commitment, and has a deeper, more passionate love and he allows himself to be vulnerable to his emotions and lets them take over. Mercutio and Romeo’s view on love are both similar in the sense that they involve desire for a girl and they are driven by their emotions. We will write a custom essay sample on Mercutio vs Romeo or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Both are fuelled by madness and this leads to them making rash decisions that result in a big loss and in Mercutio’s case, his life. Mercutio’s anger and feud with Tybalt leads him to go mad and be stabbed to death. Romeo’s anger gets the better of him which results in him stabbing Tybalt, after just having married Juliet. In the end, Romeo’s grief over Juliet’s ‘death’ overcomes his will to listen to reason and this poor decision ends up terminating his life too soon. Another similarity is that both characters are captivated by looks. They both speak of a woman’s outer appearance and have rarely talked about their personalities. When Romeo first sees Juliet, he marvels at her beauty without trying to figure out who see really was. O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night, Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear; Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear† (1. 5. L. 44-47) In Act II, Scene 2, we see Mercutio trying to lure Romeo out by describing Rosaline’s appearance, â€Å"I conjure thee by Rosaline’s bright eyes, By her high forehead and her scarlet lip, By her fine foot, straight leg, and quivering thigh. †(2. 1. L. 17-19) In the start of the play, Romeo and Mercutio think that all ther e is to ‘love’ is having sex. Even the servants, Sampson and Gregory mentioned wanting to sexually harassing the maids of the Montagues. â€Å"That shows thee a weak slave; for the weakest goes to the wall. † â€Å"’Tis true; and therefore women, being the weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall: therefore I will push Montague’s men from the wall and thrust his maids to the wall. † (1. 1. L. 12-17) This proves that most men in this time thought of themselves as superiors compared to women. As the play progresses, Romeo’s view on love changes after he meets Juliet. After meeting Juliet, he falls in love with her as a whole instead of just her appearance. While there are minor similarities between Mercutio and Romeo’s view on love, the differences are pronounced and deserve thorough examination because the line between lust and love is very confusing and many people in society mix the two up. On one hand, Mercutio’s view can be described as ‘a chase for something sexual’. He never mentions settling down with a girl and having a committed relationship. Mercutio, unlike Romeo, does not believe in fate deciding his path, instead he lives in the moment. Mercutio doesn’t let love overthrow his conscience and guide his actions. Romeo says â€Å"Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like a thorn. † (1. 4. L. 25-26), to which Mercutio replies with â€Å"If love be rough with you, be rough with love; Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down. † (1. 4. L. 27-28) In those lines, he talks about how in order to defeat love and to not have it afflict with your actions is to have sex instead of loving someone and go through the pain of them not reciprocating your feelings. On the other hand, Romeo has a romanticized view which is shown by his strong reliance on fate, and the stars. In these lines, Romeo says â€Å"I am too enpierced with his shaft, To soar with his light feathers, and so bound, I cannot bound a pitch above dull woe. Under love’s heavy burden do I sink† (1. 4. L. 19-22) Romeo is being pulled down by the amount of pain from not being able to see Rosaline. At first he’s a victim of being caught up in Rosaline’s looks and mistook it as love. It wasn’t until he met Juliet that he truly discovered the true meaning. Romeo wallows in self-pity and loves by night. â€Å"I have night’s cloak to hide me from their sight; And but thou love me, let them find me here: My life were better ended by their hate, then death prorogued, wanting of thy love† (2. 2. L. 75-78) In contrast, Mercutio appears in the play mostly in the day and shows that he believes he can control his life and is more realistic than Romeo. He serves as the contrasting character to show a ifferent perspective on love from Romeo’s passionate, and emotional view on love. In culmination, Romeo’s idea of love is stimulated, loyal, and susceptible to pain. Romeo shows his vulnerability and readers and viewers of the movie have an easier time relating to his feeling for heartbreak. His loyal and never changing love for Juliet even as she was ‘dead’ made readers fall in love with his character. Although Romeo and Mercutio have different perspectives on love, they also have similarities which make them able to be such good friends.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

201 Week 1 Essay

Psy/201 Week 1 Essay Psy/201 Week 1 Essay My daughter has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Some of the problems that I deal with on a daily are lack of attention, failure to follow instructions, loses things easily, and impulsive behaviors. However, having to deal with this, we are dealing with growing pains, her body is growing fast, but her bones are taking their time, so she has some discomfort. With that, her physician told her when she feels pain she may have a pain pill. However this is been a constant problem, every day she has pain. Therefore, I decided to give her a low dose Bayer aspirin, instead of Tylenol. Within less than twenty minutes, she is telling me she is doing just fine. The next couple of days I changed the aspirin to a vitamin, and got the same reaction. For the past 7 months, when she feels pain, she takes a vitamin believing it is a painkiller, and again the same result. In less than twenty minutes, she is feeling no more pain, or discomfort. I used the informal research method of ex perimental research. Psychologist produces a change in one variable to observe the effects of that change on other variables. This is the placebo effect, when a patient has symptoms, they receive what they think is treatment, and their symptoms disseminate. If I had to make this decision again, I am not sure I would handle it the same way again. I personally acknowledge that I am dealing with a child not well; I believe that I am not hurting, but I know I am not helping either, I have seen that

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Headspace Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Headspace Analysis - Essay Example This technique has been used to identify spoiled food, fragrances from botanical material, the determination of plasticizers in plastics and for forensic samples involving arson snuff. Its main component, nicotine is habit forming and other compounds produced by pyrolysis during smoking are carcinogenic and can cause a number of other health problems. Tobacco is an extremely valuable export in the United States despite the health concern, and its quality is carefully monitored. Tobacco can be flue cured, air cured, fire cured or sun cured, but the quality of the product can often be monitored by analyzing the vapors in the head space above the tobacco. The head space over tobacco can be sampled and analyzed using a Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) technique. Diesel is similar in chemical composition to kerosene and heating oil in that it is composed of aliphatic hydrocarbons that are obtained from the fractional distillation of crude oil. Diesel has a higher boiling point fraction and the distillation range is greater than that of kerosene and heating oil being composed of essentially C10 to C25 aliphatic hydrocarbons. The use of these extremely sensitive laboratory techniques must be made carefully because of the consequence of obtaining a false positive result. The possibility of the accidental contamination of a sample through poor sampling and laboratory techniques needs to be minimized. The research has shown the sample containers can be cleaned before use and should be sealed before transport to the fire scene. Samples should then be delivered to the laboratory and analysed promptly. The laboratory equipment should be cleaned before use and blank samples analysed regularly to check for any possible contamination. The extraction equipment can be cleaned by washing with acetone and heating the gas transfer lines with a Bunsen burner. The interpretation of the chromatograms must be made carefully using a library of chromatograms composed of the common accelerants, industrial solvents, common household materials, The analysis of numerous burnt synthetic materials was found to be distinct from the common accelerants. The common accelerants were found to change during evaporation making it sometimes difficult to distinguish between those composed entirely of entirely of an aliphatic hydrocarbon fraction. Ethanol could not be detected in fire debris using charcoal absorption extraction techniques and alternative analytical techniques were needed. The background level of accelerants in the environment is dependent of the history of the sample material. Traces of petrol and aliphatic hydrocarbons were found in soil from a motor wrecking yard, however, no traces were found in numerous car flooring materials indicating none would be expected from a domestic environment. Gas odourants could also be detected using the same equipment as that used for fie debris analysis which would assist the investigation of suspected gas explosions. References: 1. Evans, J.S. "Arson in Australia. Dimensions of the Problem and